Kevin Jennings Would Promote Gay Agenda
If a gay guy wants to look at my butt as I go down the street he has that right and I have the right to give him the finger salute and refer to his as queer or faggot which ever one crosses my mind first. But when that same guy starts insisting his life is more important than mine and calls for "hate crime laws" to afford him more legal protection than I have I draw the line. And when that same fellow tries to promote his life-style in our schools and generally throughout our society, I draw the line and this is what Kevin Jennings has done in the past and will continue to do as Obama's "safe school czar". In advancing their rights they are stepping on mine so I will resist as best I can. I've no use for queers and their message. For their current message is not one of tolerance, but one of advancing their agenda and their way of life and pushing it in the face of others!
Republicans today urged President Obama to fire his "safe schools czar," citing their concerns that Kevin Jennings wants to promote a "homosexual agenda" and that as a schoolteacher years ago he did not report that a young student told him he was romantically involved with an older man.
The members of Congress, in a letter to the president, called Jennings "unfit to serve" and said he should be immediately removed from his post. The letter was authored by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, who first called for Jennings' firing a week ago, and 52 other Republican colleagues.
"Kevin Jennings cannot gain the approval of parents who want their children safe and their schools drug free. You should replace him with someone who has a record of educating children in a safe and moral environment," they wrote.
Jennings, the founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, has described in writings and speeches how a high-school student confided to him in 1988 that he was having a relationship with an older man.
The student has since spoken out in defense of Jennings, claiming he was 16 at the time, which was the legal age in Massachusetts, and that he was not sexually active.
But Jennings has described the relationship as sexual, and in 2000 he said the boy was 15 years old. read more from FOX News
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