Run-a-way inflation will be the catalyst, the
spark, that ignites the great fire that will
sweep across the nation. Attempts will be made
to control it. The now, all powerful central
government, will mandate draconian
measures including wage and price controls.
These and other measures will prove
impudent in face of the onrushing events.
Incidents of discontent will at first be sporadic
but will continue with an almost geometric
growth in there numbers and intensity. Local
authorities will quickly find themselves unable
to maintain order and will call on the state
officials for help. The National Guard will be
sent into those areas most affected by the
ever increasing violence. The large urban
areas will bear the brunt of these quickly
escalating events. The Guard will soon
find itself powerless to control things.
The disturbances will be too numerous and
wide-spread. In desperation, the
President will order regular army units into
the most seriously affected regions. These
measures will meet with success in those
places where large numbers of troops can be
concentrated, however by this time the
violence has spread to the suburbs
and to some rural areas. The situation is
now, OUT-OF-CONTROL! The military leaders
will be the first to recognize this and will take
action against those in power, who they
now hold responsible for the cascading
violence now sweeping the nation.
The revolution is over and a military coup has
installed a new civilian government.
Unchecked this could be Obama's road to

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